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Feb 2023 - NGM Single Copy

Feb 2023 - NGM Single Copy


Origami: The Future is Folded

Origami is reshaping our world. Origami, theart of paper folding, is thought to have beenpracticed since the 17th century. But now, anew appreciation of origami has emerged, asengineers and designers apply its patternsto reshape the world around us. By masteringthe rules of folding, they’re creating shapeshiftingrobots, artificial humanorgans, surgical tools, foldable armor forpolice officers and schools, and structuresfor space exploration. Also in this issueread about the sea otter, the cutest animalfloating on the ocean and an icon ofconservation success—success that is nowbringing it into direct conflict with humans.Love them or hate them, the ocean needsthem. They are a keystone species, keepingurchins in check and kelp forests healthy. Learn lessons from historic climatesensitivearchitecture in Middle East and North Africa, and look at the world’saging population with the focus on Japan.UseBolivia to reclaim their Indigenous heritage.

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